Monday, December 28, 2009

Post-Christmas Cardio

Wow! Christmas has come and gone so fast! Now it's time to get back to work! I gave up on trying to eat good and basically lived off of desserts the past 4 days! OUCH! NOT good for the physique, BUT it was a great time with family and friends so I'm not going to complain! Now it's time to get back to business! I'm taking this week off from lifting to let my body do some healing. I will be doing some cardio just to balance out last week and keep myself active. Next week starts GROW TIME! My husband, Andrew, and I will be hitting the gym together once again! Back to the same training routine and there to really push each other! I'm excited to see more progress and, as always, be able to spend the time with him doing what we both love!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I just wanted to drop by and let you know I hope you all had a VERY Merry Christmas and a wonderful weekend!! Enjoy the time with your family and loved ones! I know I have and am VERY thankful to have such a wonderful family! I am truly blessed!!
God Bless,

Friday, December 18, 2009 Spotlight On Series

Be sure to check out forums where I'm featured as Girl of the Week!

Only a week left till Christmas... =) I hope you've all been good this year!
God Bless,

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Shred it up in 2010

So when asked what my goal is for next year.. I, of course, have many! Bringing in a routine to the stage that is pleasing to the eye and very dynamic. As for the physique, I came in weighing about 138 lbs for my competitions last year. For 2010, I would like to stay pretty close to that in hopes of having even 1 or 2 more lbs of muscle on my frame with a lower bodyfat. With a different body composition at that weight, you're sure to see a difference! I'm working hard in this off season, lifting heavy... slow and controlled movements... working to improve the overall physique and continue with good symmetry. The diet I could obviously be doing much better at, but- we ARE all human! It's hard for even me! But I don't let that stop me! Just try to make better decisions each day! In the end, the results and stepping on that stage is SO worth it! For now, be sure to check out my gallery! New pictures have been added to each tab! Enjoy! God Bless, Stacy

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2010 Suit Sponsorship

WOW! What an honor! I have been chosen to receive a 2010 suit sponsorship from Tamee Marie of Go Figure Suits!! Her work is AMAZING!! I had the honor of competing with her at Team Universe in September and she was beautiful on the inside as much as she was on the outside! Stunning to say the least! I am soooo thankful for this opportunity and cannot WAIT to wear her suits with my head held high!! This means I better get myself to work to make sure I represent her well!! =) Check out her suits on her website: God Bless, Stacy

Sunday, November 29, 2009

*It Is Well*

Whatever you're going through and whatever the circumstances.. just know that there can be peace! With Christmas approaching, a lot of families have so much to be happy about and to enjoy.. but there are also those who have loved and lost... it is VERY hard, but please know.. It can be well with your soul.
Take six minutes of your time and listen to this story and song. It is truly a blessing to me and I would love to share it with you... it is well with MY soul!
God Bless,

Let's GOOO Mountaineers!

I'm VERY happy to say our WVU Mountaineers made my holiday season with a win over our rivals Pitt!!! I was able to go to the game and spend the weekend in Morgantown with my family! What a great weekend!! I haven't updated in a while but wanted to let you all know I hope you had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and have a VERY Merry Christmas season!
I did get to do a few shoots at the Olympia and also did a video shoot with my fitness moves. It's going to be added soon to the website
You'll have to check out the nice article that was written about me and be sure to let me know what you think!!
God Bless,

Monday, October 26, 2009

There is NO off-season!

Whether it's contest prep or "off-season", what you are doing daily effects what you're going to bring to the stage. Whether you've got 2 weeks until your next show or 7 months.. to be your best you need to apply this to your plan daily....One of my favorite quotes that my husband told me...

"When you are not training, someone else IS. And when you meet them.... they will BEAT YOU!"

Stay focused... train hard!

And just to let you know, new pictures will be added frequently to the galleries... so check back often for updates!! Here is just a preview of what's to come!

God Bless,

Monday, October 5, 2009

*Home Sweet Home*

After all these trips this past month, I can't help but tell you how happy I am to be able to sleep in my own bed and get back to a normal schedule! I miss all the excitement and activities going on.. getting ready for a shoots.. hair and make-up done to a T, but my body needs some time for rest and relaxation. Hopefully move forward in my fitness career a little more as well. It IS always kind of a let-down though to come home and go back to the normal things of life... laundry, cleaning house, grocery shopping.. and not having a show coming up soon. A lot of competitors have a tough time with this. The binge and rebounding weight, taking time away from the gym, allowing bad habits and decision making to ruin, so quickly, that amazing physique we worked so hard to attain! And I am no where near perfect.. and don't claim to be- but this time is going to be different. To me, I've come to learn there is NO off season! Everything we do plays a part in our next show. Even if it's 9 months or a year away! What we're doing today, will show the next time we're on stage. My goal is to keep that mindset and do each day what I need to do. Because to me... this isn't a hobby or something to do because I'm bored! It's a way of life! And I LOVE this life! So for now, I'm enjoying the end of one season and doing everything I can to move forward and carry it over to an amazing 2010 season!

God Bless,


Friday, October 2, 2009


After coming home Sunday from NY, I had to hurry and unpack all my things so I could repack and head to Las Vegas for the 2009 Olympia! Lori & I had a great time! We were there for 6 days and didn't stop the entire time! We were up at 6am in the morning working out... and when the gym at the hotel was full and running over.. we turned the parking lot into our track! We got up and did our track workouts every single morning we were there! We spent the 1st day relaxing - working out, laying out by the pool, getting massages, and then to the Meet The Olympians event. We spent the next couple of days mostly at the expo and competitions where we had 2nd row seats!! It was amazing! We ended up with so much stuff from the expo we both had to buy new gym bags to get it all home! HaHa! We were so excited to be there to witness history when THE MAN, Jay Cutler, won his Mr O. title back!! We thought it couldn't get any better than that. We were wrong! On Sunday, we were able to fit in 3 photo shoots throughout the day! We had a blast!! I can't wait to share the pictures with you! We got to work with some great photographers! The trip was amazing!!! We are already making plans for next year!
God Bless,

Monday, September 21, 2009

Team Universe Results

Wow!! What a weekend in NY! My biggest show to date! It started out with a photoshoot on Friday morning! I can't wait to show you pictures! I had a blast and know we got a lot of great shots!
There were 11 girls in the tall fitness class! My routine went over VERY well on Friday night! I was VERY excited to get to debut the new routine! Saturday morning came and... well, we overshot the physique. We tried a new prep and I peaked too soon. By Saturday morning my muscles had smoothed over. I got 2nd callout in the physique round and had convinced myself I did not make top 5. When we got back for the finals and I walked off stage to learn the outcome, I was congratulated and told to get ready. I had MADE THE TOP 5 and was going to perform my routine again for the night show!! YEAHH!!! I did it!!!! I rocked my routine and pulled off a 4th place finish!!! I was VERY pleased!!! What an honor!
Although I KNOW I could've done better, and my physique HAS looked better... we know exactly what happened and exactly how to fix it! I'll definitely come back 200 times better next year and continue to knock your socks off!! Until then, I'm unpacking from NY and repacking to head to Las Vegas to see the Olympia this weekend with my girl, Lori! I'm going to be taking a million pictures, so be watching for them!
God Bless,

Friday, September 11, 2009

One Week Till Showtime!!

This time next week I will be getting ready to hit the stage at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center in NY! Fitness routines friday night, 2 piece physique round Saturday morning, then finals Saturday night. It's going to be a very exciting weekend!!
It's even more exciting to think that this will be my TENTH show!!! That's right, the big 1-0! I started competing back in 2005 and have done 2 shows a year each year. I can't even begin to describe how much I've grown over the years.. physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually! This has been an amazing ride and to me, it's still only just beginning! My goal each show is just to improve from the last, and that is what I've done! Constantly learning and growing and trying to be the best ME I can be!
Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted on how it all goes!!
Thank you all for the ongoing support and emails! Your words of encouragement are priceless!
God Bless,

Monday, September 7, 2009

Enjoy the Journey!

One thing I've heard a lot of people talking about lately is improvement. No matter what our goals are, whether it be stepping on stage or just working toward becoming healther version of 'you', we need to focus on improving ourselves on a daily basis. Set short term goals and work toward achieving those on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. As you reach those goals, think of yourself as the winner you are! You've taken a step in the right direction and are making progress! We will never be 'perfect' so it's the steps along the way you need to appreciate and enjoy! Don't overlook all of the small accomplishments you are making on a daily basis! Set realistic goals and give yourself a pat on the back when you achieve them!!
One thing I've seen get people discouraged in their journey is the comparison factor. We cannot go around comparing ourselves to others. This will lead to a constant feeling of failure because we'll never be 'that' person. We have NO control over other people's lifestyle, diet, training, stress level, and even genetics. Instead, we need to focus on the things we DO have control over. We CAN control what and when we eat. We CAN control how much water we're drinking throughout the day to stay hydrated. We CAN control how many times a week we do cardio and how intensely we lift weights. These are things we CAN control! So my challenge for you today, is take control of YOU! Don't allow the negatives to impact all the positives you've achieved! If you fall, get right back up again! Again... YOU are in control of YOU... when you get kicked, are you going to stay down or stand back up?!? I know for me.. at the end of the day... you'll see me STANDING!!!
"NEVER bend your head! ALWAYS hold it high! Look the world straight in the face!"

God Bless,

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Counting Down The Days...

It's almost showtime! I can't believe it's almost here! Time DOES fly by! I'm very excited and honored to step on another National level NPC stage! It'll be my first time competing at New York's Team Universe and I am very excited about the whole experience! I know, just like all of my other shows, it'll be one to go down in the books! This prep has been great.. filled with ups and downs.. but this sport is what I LOVE!!! Everything about it! I am sooo thankful to be given the gift to be able to go for it and to achieve my dreams!
I hope that whoever reading this also has the ability to go for your dreams as well... whatever they may be!!
God Bless & Happy Training!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Friends who Pray Together... Stay Together...

This summer has been an interesting one to say the least. Many ups and downs. I am blessed with a WONDERFUL family and wonderful friends that surround me! I thank the Lord daily for his many blessings He's given me that I do not deserve! I do want to share with you about a friend of mine and fellow 'bodybuilder', Lori.
Lori and her husband, Adam, are like two peas in a pod.. just like myself and my husband, Andrew! They share the same life and love for bodybuilding as well as for each other! Andrew & I are thankful we got the opportunity to meet this couple! The week before Christmas, Adam was diagnosed with cancer. It was a tough fight and Adam did NOT ever give up... but did pass away on July 2, 2009. Lori, being the beautiful woman she is, stood by his side every step of the way! Giving up was never an option for either one of them!
I don't know how she does it! I can't imagine being in her shoes. Sure, she's surrounded by friends and family and church family who love her and comfort her.. but how does she do it!? I'm sure she has her moments, and it has to be hard.. but she's a VERY strong woman and I admire her greatly! I've had the honor to spend some more time with her lately and she's taught me so much! She gave me a card after we worked out together the other day and in it was a little card that said "Friends who Pray together... Stay together"!! How true it is! Lori & I have a bond that goes beyond bodybuilding and competing and basic friendship.. we are sisters in Christ! And that gives us a peace beyond all understanding! Please continue to keep Lori and her family in your thoughts and prayers... You can also check out her website at Click on the link on the bottom left corner for her tribute to her husband.
As for Adam, I am SO thankful I got a chance to meet him and get to know him! I only wish we all could've spent more time together!! I know we'll see him again in Heaven one day! "What a Day That Will Be.."

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

8 Weeks until Team Universe!

So I have just under 8 weeks until my next competition, Team Universe in NY! Reservations have been made and I'm working on my new routine! Like has been pretty hectic this month, but that's the way things go sometimes. Things are coming together slowly but surely and I can't wait to see the outcome as always! I plan to bring my best to the stage and make the adjustments needed to make sure I place even better at this show. Each time improvement is all I can ask for! I should have more pictures coming up soon, but until then... here's a pic I had taken in Chicago at Junior Nationals! Check out for more pictures and video! God Bless, Stacy

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Cost of Competition

I've had quite a few questions lately on what it takes to compete. Other than having the time, dedication, and mindset to really push yourself to your all-time best... it takes money! The cost of competition is great, but the reward of living a healthy lifestyle and achieving what we do on that stage is worth it! So you can better understand what goes into competing, here's a breakdown of some of the costs.

Competition Fees & Costs

These are considered the necessities:
NPC registration card ...............$80
Competition Registration ...........$150
Airfare/Gas ......................................$200-$400
Hotel Accommodations..............$575-$700
Posing Suits/Fitness Costume...............$300-$1200
ProTan/Jan Tana...........................$50-$150

Accessories for night show............$25-$100
Photo Shoot outfits........................$100-$1000

Monthly Costs
Groceries..........$500-$1000 (per person; varies on dietician/healthy food is much more expensive)
Website Maintenance Fee...........$75
Supplementation.......$500-? (again, this varies on the dietician and individual)
Gym membership........................$30-75 (can't forget that one)

I'm sure I've left a couple of things out. Costs are subject to change depending on the level of the competition and the competitor. Needless to say, "it ain't cheap!"
Keep in mind, for females, we schedule a lot of photo shoots to give our fan base the material that they request and enjoy. That's a whole other page for cost when it comes to clothing, shoes, jewelry, travel, etc. Some photographers pay small amounts while others do not. Don't get me wrong, even the photographers that don't compensate do result in QUALITY work!

With all that being said, Please feel free to donate to your favorite bodybuilder (male/female) as we thrive on our passion for the sport in hopes that we can achieve what the vast majority only dreams about. This is NOT an easy or inexpensive sport and the smallest amount helps. Thank you!!

God Bless,

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

4th Place at '09 NPC Jr Nationals

I'm back from Chicago and Jr Nationals was a blast! I competed with some great ladies who made the experience amazing! I have to give a HUGE thanks to my husband for all of his support and encouragement. He drove the entire way there and back with no complaints while I caught up on my sleep. He is the best and I couldn't be anywhere NEAR the competitor I am without him.
This time I managed to, again, improve my physique and bring in a better routine! I'm awaiting feedback from the judges but am already in training for Team Universe in September... so stay tuned!! =)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

3 weeks to go....

Well, I've got just over 3 weeks to go until Jr Nationals. I've been working a lot and training a lot on my days off, so I'm a pretty busy girl these days. I'm learning the balance between work and training, and it's been quite the adjustment, but I'm in a good place with it! I have to realize that the days I work, as long as my diet is on point.. it's okay! I'm still progressing! It's definitely been a learning experience for me... but I'm very thankful for it! As long as I can adjust to this balance, it lets me know I CAN continue competing for years to come! Last week my routine had a breakthrough. I am able to do it all the way through. These next few weeks will just be spent cleaning it up and fixing small details! Other than that I'm well on my way! Wish me luck and hopefully I'll have many new pics to share once I return!!

God Bless

Friday, April 10, 2009

*Good Friday*

Happy Easter Everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with friends and family! I want to take this time to say how truly blessed I am! I am so thankful for the life God has granted me with! I have an AMAZING family that I wouldn't trade for the world! I have a Savior, who loves me NO MATTER WHAT! That's an unbelievable feeling, and without the Easter season.. Jesus dying on the cross and rising again.. none of that would be possible.
God has also granted me with a great passion in life... bodybuilding. He's given me the ability to push my body to its greatest potential. You know, he says our body is his temple.. so we must treat it as so. Although I am not perfect, and will never claim to be, I do try to take care of my body (but if you know me, you know I love my tacos haha). He only gives us one body to last us our lifetime.. and we must do what we can to make it last so we can be a Light for Him!
I hope you all have a wonderful Easter and God Bless!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

2009 NPC Junior Nationals

It's amazing how fast life changes. With the many ups and downs of life, as well as being sick, I've had to push back my competing a little bit. Rather than doing Jr USAs at the end of May.. I'm holding off to do Junior Nationals again in June. I loved that show so have no problem making it my debut for 2009! I'm hoping to come in even better than last year. My off season allowed me to put on muscle, with not as much fat. That gives me the same about of time to do my contest prep, with less fat to lose.. and hopefully come in bigger and tighter than I did in '08. I am also letting Lishia Dean do my routine again this year. She did my routine two years ago which got me 2 first place finishes! I wanted to do it on my own this year, but hit a brain block and decided to just focus on the physique and let her creative mind go to work! I can't wait to see what she comes up with! I'm 10.5 weeks out! The show will be here before I know it! Wish me luck!

Donations: I have a link on my store page for donations. If you would like to contribute and help me reach my goal of becoming an IFBB Fitness Professional, I would greatly appreciate it!! The cost of competition suits, costumes, choreography, and travel add up very quickly! Please know I am very grateful for any and all contributions!


Monday, February 9, 2009's Amateur Fitness Competitor of the Week

Hey Everyone! This week I'm featured as's Amateur Fitness Competitor of the Week!! Be sure to check it out....
I'm also going to start working on my fitness routine this week! I've already got the music for it. I just need to take the time to start putting some things together! Wish me luck!!

"For the best exercise...... Walk with Jesus"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Official Website Launch

The time has finally come! has finally launched!! It's been a long time coming... but great things take time. I am very pleased with the outcome and am very excited for more to come! Keep checking back for more info and updates!
Stay Focused & God Bless,


ps. Precontest training starts Feb 2nd! You don't want to miss the 16 weeks to Jr USAs! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Radio

I am very excited to announce I will be on's Radio show tomorrow night, January 15th at 7pm! It's a new radio show devoted to Fitness, Figure, & Bikini competitors and followers. They will also be airing numerous shows for female bodybuilders! This a great opportunity to hear real competitors... learn more about them as well as the industry! It's an honor for them to invite me to be a part of such a great show!!!

A big thank you to & for making this radio show happen!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Game Plan

So I've decided on what shows I plan to do this year. After doing Junior Nationals last year, I knew I had to go back. I had a wonderful time and really enjoyed the whole experience! I took 12 weeks of precontest prep to get ready for this show. This year, I plan to start off with Junior USAs and do a 16 week precontest prep! I completely surprised myself with what I was able to get my physique to do last year... I know an extra 4 weeks will help me even more! After Junior USAs in May, I plan to go back to Junior Nationals toward the end of June! This gives me four more weeks to tweak my physique between shows! I'll see how those shows go and decide on my next one from there. I'm very excited to step back on that National Level stage!! Things can only get better from here!
God Bless


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hello & Welcome!

Hello and welcome to my new journal! I'm very excited to share with you my journey in life and the fitness world! There are so many new and exciting things to come! I hope you enjoy the ride!
God Bless!