I've got FOUR weeks to go until Jr Nationals! The countdown is on! I just need to make sure I do everything in my power each day to make sure I come in at my best! Taking things one day at a time! Stay Tuned...
I've found myself having a hard time with the competition diet lately. I've come to realize I was letting myself go too long in between meals, allowing myself to get hungry, and then my mind goes wild with crazy things I want to eat. The thing is, I need to be better prepared. I can't let myself get to the hungry point... not only because of the cravings, but if I get hungry- that means my body might be using my muscles for food! I don't want to breakdown ANY muscle! So I'm making the necessary changes to make sure this doesn't happen. This picture is just an example of how, as competitors (and also those attempting to live a healthy lifestyle) need to be prepared and plan ahead. That means, packing home cooked meals and carrying a lunch box, so if I get stuck out somewhere... I have HEALTHY food ready to eat! Just a side note, it's always much quicker to go ahead and fix extra food when you cook. Store what you don't need in tupperware in the fridge for later use. That way, you can throw it in a lunch box, or grab it out of the fridge, throw it in the microwave and eat up as needed... rather than taking a half hour to try to fix something while munching away on foods probably not needed.

So even as a fitness competitor, things don't always go as planned. While I'm a VERY positive person and try to find the best in every situation, I still have my "down" days where things go wrong. I had one of those days today. By this evening, I began craving tacos! They are my stress food and emotional relief! Before I got in the car and drove to taco bell, I reminded myself of what all I put into being a fitness competitor and what my goals are for this year! I went in our little home gym and did an extra session of cardio and worked out on our ab bench. I finished up my mini workout session with some progress pictures so I could see what I needed to improve on in the next 5 and half weeks before Chicago! As hard as it was, I passed up on the tacos and made my evening PROductive, rather than DEstructive!
The next time you're at a fork in the road... remember your goals! Don't think emotionally and react. Sit down and weigh out your options and make the most PRODUCTIVE decision that will help you toward your goals! Not harm your goals! Enjoy the progress pics I took!
God Bless,
Figured it's about time I let you all get to know me a little better! Video blogs... COMING UP! =)
That's right! I was able to pull off the win at the NPC Pittsburgh Championships! It was a WONDERFUL weekend away with my husband! This show was amazing! The prejudging did seem to last a long time, but since fitness physique round was last, I was able to sit out in the audience and enjoy the majority of the show! The routines opened up the night show and we had already received our awards before the guest posers took the stage! I loved the guest posing and how they involved the audience and actually went out through the crowd! It was awesome! My husband and I slept in the next morning, had breakfast at the hotel, then hit the road for a great drive home! Next stop: Jr Nationals. June 18th-19th in Chicago, Illinois!